Posterar og publikasjonar


  • Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Model Used to Explore Participants’ Experiences of Health, Lifestyle, and Work After Attending a Vocational Rehabilitation Program with Lifestyle Intervention – A Focus Group Study (2021). For meir informasjon,trykk her.
  • Lifestyle modification for weight loss: Effects on cardiorespiratory capacity in patients with class II and class III obesity (2021). For meir informasjon, trykk her. 
  • Changes to body mass index, work self-efficacy, health-related quality of life, and work participation in people with obesity after vocational rehabilitation: a prospective observational study (2021). For meir informasjon, trykk her.
  • Lifestyle and Work-Related Factors Associated with Work Ability and Work Participation for People with Obesity: A Prospective Observational Study After Vocational Rehabilitation (2021). For meir informasjon, trykk her.
  • A quality indicator set for rehabilitation services for people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases demonstrates adequate responsiveness in a pre-post evaluation (2021). For meir informasjon,trykk her.
  • "Can intervention on lifestyle have an impact on cardiorespiratory fitness in the non- operable severely obese patient?" (2016)


  • London, European Resperatory Society Congress, (ERS-lungekonferanse), 2016. "Lifestyle intervention in a morbid obese population where bariatric surgery is not an option".
  • Trondheim, Forskningskonferanse, 2015. "Vil endring i livsstil ha innverknad på lungefunksjon?"
  • Wien, United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Week, 2014. "Can intervention on lifestyle have an impact on cardiorespiratory fitness in the non-operable severely obese patient?"
  • Ålesund, Regional forskingsforum, 2013. "Sjukleg overvekt og lungefunksjon. Ein klinisk studie ved Muritunet."